
Easy and Tasty Non-Bake Recipes

Non-bake recipes are easy, delicious, but also healthy, as most of the non-bake recipes use raw and fresh ingredients, preserving all its nutrients. 
That's the reason so many people are incorporating more raw foods into their diets or trying a raw diet detox

Health benefits of eating raw and fresh foods
  • Clears the skin
  • Improves digestion
  • Improves heart health
  • Reduces risk of cancer
  • Helps to control blood pressure
  • Helps to lose and maintain weight
  • Others

Salada Míuda
This refreshing portuguese salad is eaten during the Summer months and is typical of the Alentejo region.

- 2 Tomato (big)
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 Onion (small)
- 1 or 2 Garlic
- Olive oil to taste
- Apple cider vinegar to taste
- 1 tsp Oregano
- Sea salt to taste
- Fresh water to cover twice

Recipe: Peel and chop in small cubes tomato and cucumber. Mince onion and garlic. Place them in a bowl, cover with fresh water and season with the salt, olive oil, apple cider vinegar and oregano. 
It is traditionally served with small cubes of portuguese bread from the day before. 

Raw Marinated Mushrooms
This recipe has its origins in an italian antipasto dish. However, in the italian recipe, the mushrooms are cooked in the heat and in this version aren't.

- 200 gr pack of white mushrooms
- bunch of parsley
- Olive oil 
- 2 Garlic
- 1 Lemon
- pinch sea salt

Recipe: Slice the washed mushrooms into a bowl. Season with the olive oil, chopped garlic, chopped parsley, fresh lemon juice and sea salt. Mix carefully. Leave it to marinate in the fridge, for at least 4 hours. It can be served with lettuce or baby spinach.

This mexican recipe was originally created by the ancient Aztec civilization, that lived in that region. 
Guacamole means avocado "guaca" sauce "mole".

- 2 Avocado
- 2 Tomato 
- 1 Garlic
- 1 Onion small
- 1 Lemon or lime
- 2 tsp fresh coriander
- Sea salt to taste

Recipe: In a bowl, mix mashed avocado and finely chopped tomato, garlic, onion and coriander. Season to taste, with sea salt and fresh lemon or lime juice. Refrigerate in the fridge and serve.

Guacamole can be eaten as a dip, salad, salad dressing, on a toast, as a sandwich filling, others.

This dip is a very popular breakfast and brunch in the middle-east and arab world. Hummus is an arabic word that means chickpea.

- 1 can Chickpeas 
- 1 Garlic
- 2 tbsp Tahini(sesame seeds paste)
- 2 tbsp Olive oil
- 1 Lemon
- Sea salt to taste

Recipe: Blend all the ingredients together. Rectify seasoning. Add water if necessary.  Refrigerate and serve with chopped parsley and a drizzle of olive oil. 
As a variation to the traditional hummus, it can be added baby spinach to the blender.

It is traditionally eaten with pita bread and falafel. But, it can be used carrot, cucumber and other fresh vegetable sticks to dip in.

Beet and Carrot Salad
The origin of this salad is unknown, but it's a great combination of flavours.  Who would believe that raw beet tastes so good!?

- 1 Beet
- 2 Carrot
- bunch of baby spinach
- 1 Garlic
- Olive oil to taste
- Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to taste
- Sea Salt to taste

Recipe: Shred beet and carrot into a bowl, mix chopped baby spinach, garlic and season with olive oil, apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice and sea salt. It can be topped with walnuts or other nuts. Sliced apple is also a great option.

Seaweed Salad
Seaweed in used in the japanese cuisine for centuries. We can find it in sushi, in sashimi, in salads, in miso soup, and many other dishes.

- 30gr Wakame or other seaweed
- 1 tsp Sesame oil
- 1 tsp Rice vinegar or lime juice
- 1 tsp Soy sauce
- pinch finely grated ginger 
- 1 minced garlic
- 1 tsp Honey or tamarin
- Sea salt to taste

Recipe: If it's dried seaweed, soak it in cold water for 10 minutes till soft. Drain, squeeze the water and cut in strips. In a bowl, mix all the remaining ingredients and add the seaweed. Rectify seasoning to taste. Thinly sliced green apple and coriander works great.

You can add other vegetables and sprinkle, this salad, with pumpkin seed or/and sesame seeds.

Check, here, for non-bake breakfast recipes. 

Why is Being Humble Important?

In consumerists, futiles and competitives societies, where apparence, power, status, fame and luxury are the main goals and showing off/bragging those "accomplishments" a reason of pride - humble people are seen as shy, weak, losers, and insecure,  among other things. 

In this social "battle of egos", the majority don't seem to understand what is the use for humility.

What is Humility?
Contrary to what many people think, being humble is not being insecure, or passive, or submissive. But, being down-to earth. Being aware of our virtues and limitations, without feeling superior or inferior to anybody. 

In other hand, the opposite of humility is arrogance, pretentiousness, pride and attention seeking.

Humble people take responsibility for their actions, recognize their mistakes and apologize when they are wrong.

Humble people feel grateful for the small and simple things of life, like a sunny day in winter.

Humble people don't compete with others to be better than them, but with themselves, to improve themselves.

Humble people don't need the approval of others to feel validated. They validate themselves.

Humble people don't feel the need to stand out and be flattered. They know their value.

A humble person feels confident wearing whatever clothe or driving whatever car, etc. Confidence doesn't depend on appearance or possessions.  

Humble people don't need to compare themselves to others, to evaluate how good they are, or to feel better about themselves.

Humble people don't underestimate others. On the contrary, they respect and value others.

Humble people understand that they are not the centre of the universe. They know that, after they are gone, the world will continue to exist.

Overconfident people always know everything. Admitting the opposite, would make them feel less intelligent. Humble people accept their limitations and look for help and learning, to overcome them.

Humble people take lessons from the experiences of life and become more humble.

Why is Humility Important?
If everybody was more humble, we would be living in a more generous, altruistic and harmonious societies, with more fulfilling and long-lasting relationships. 

People would be less stressed and frustrated, as they wouldn't put so much pressure in themselves, to achieve unrealistic goals and would have a different view of its degree of importance.

In the end, humble people, are the ones, who are truly confident in themselves, as they don't feel the need to prove themselves to nobody. They know their value and self-worth.

Kegel Exercises

What are Kegel Exercises?
The Kegel exercises are exercises created by the gynecologist Arnold Kegel, to strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles, that gets weaker with aging, pregnancy, childbirth, surgery, overweight, constipation, others. 

It is important to keep the pelvic floor strong as it supports the womb, the bladder and the bowels.

Like any other muscle in the body, the pelvic floor muscles can also be exercised. Women and men, of every age, can both benefit from the Kegel exercises.

What are the Benefits?
  • Prevents and controls urinary incontinence
  • Improves sexual life
  • Improves posture
  • Helps with erectile dysfunction
  • Prepares and helps to recover from pregnancy 

How to do Kegel exercises?
First you should locate the pelvic floor muscles. 

For women, it can be done by placing a clean finger inside the vagina and squeeze the muscles around it.  

Men will have to place a  finger inside the rectum and squeeze it, without tightening the muscles of the buttoclks.

If you aren't sure you located the right muscles, ask your gynecologist/urologist for help, during your next appointment. Gynecologists and urologists are familiar with the Kegel exercises and its benefits. 

Once you located it, you can start doing the Kegel exercises.

1 - Empty your bladder and bowels before doing the exercises
2 - You can be seated, standing or lying down 
2 - Contract your pelvic floor 
3 - Hold for the slow count of 5/10 
4 - Release
5 - Relax for the slow count of 5/10 
6 - Repeat 5-10 times
7 - Make it daily, 3 times a day

Be careful not to tense the buttock muscles, legs or abdomen muscles while doing Kegels. 

As your strength improves, increase the difficulty by holding the contraction longer.   

These exercises can be done anywhere, like: while watching tv, waiting in the supermarket line, others. Nobody will notice you are doing them.

The Kegel exercises should never cause pain. If this happens, maybe you are not doing them correctly. Check with your gynecologist/urologist, in your next appointment. 

The Bach Flowers

"We can judge our health by our happiness" 
- Edward Bach -

What are the Bach Flowers?
The Bach Flowers are 38 remedies, made by the infusion of wild flowers, from England, into spring water, in order to cure negative emotions, such as: fear, depression, anger, indecision, others.

These herbal remedies were developed by the english doctor Edward Bach, that believed that illness has its origin in negative emotions. 
When an emotional imbalance persists for a long time, the body starts to develop a illness.  Once the emotional equilibrium is restored, the illness will begin to heal. 

What are the Bach Flowers used for the?
There are 38 Bach Flowers remedies. Each treats a different emotional state.

  1. Agrimony - Hiding emotional imbalance behind humour, masking anxiety
  2. Aspen - Fear of unknown things with no explanation
  3. Beech - Intolerance
  4. Centaury - People who find it difficult to say "no"
  5. Cerato - Self-doubt and indecision
  6. Cherry Plum - Fear of losing control 
  7. Chestnut Bud - Inability to learn from mistakes
  8. Chicory - Possessiveness
  9. Clematis - Daydreaming, lack of concentration
  10. Crab Apple - Cleansing, low self-esteem
  11. Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibility, depression
  12. Gentian - Easily discouraged
  13. Gorse - Hopeless, despair, pessimism
  14. Heather - Demand attention, talkative, self-centred
  15. Holly - Feelings and thoughts of hate, envy and jealousy
  16. Honeysuckle - Living in the past, nostalgia
  17. Hornbeam - Procrastination
  18. Impatiens - Impatience
  19. Larch - Lack of confidence, feeling of inferiority
  20. Mimulus - Fears of everyday life things
  21. Mustard - Depression and sadness for no reason
  22. Oak - Overwork
  23. Olive - Mental and physical exhaustion
  24. Pine - Guilt, self-blame
  25. Red Chestnut - Over-concern. Feeling that something bad is going to happen
  26. Rock Rose - Feeling of terror, panic attack
  27. Rock Water - Self-repression, strictness
  28. Scleranthus - Inability to choose between alternatives
  29. Star of Bethlehem - Post traumatic stress, trauma, shock
  30. Sweet Chestnut - Extreme anguish, hopeless despair, intense sorrow
  31. Vervain - People with fixed ideas that feel the need to convince everybody of their ideias  
  32. Vine - People who always think they're right, domineering,  inflexible
  33. Walnut - Unable to break links with the past, easily influenced
  34. Water Violet - Anti-social, isolation, proud, like their own company, reserved, quiet
  35. White Chestnut - Unwanted thoughts, mental arguments
  36. Wild Oat -  Uncertainty of correct path in life
  37. Wild Rose - Apathy, resignation, lost motivation
  38. Willow - Self-pity, resentment, bitterness

How to take the Bach Flowers remedy?
It can be selected up to six different remedies and taken 2 drops per day, directly under the tongue or in a glass of plain water.

Some contain grape based brandy as preservative and others uses glycerin from sunflowers. Both are gluten-free.

Daily Positive Affirmations

What are Positive Affirmations?
Positive affirmations are auto-suggestions that when daily repeated it reprograms our mind to consciously and unconsciously make it happen, changing our life. 

It's a form of giving instructions to the  brain, preparing it for action.

The more the positive affirmations are repeated, more we internalize it and believe as truth.

What are the Benefits of Positive Affirmations?

  • Increases confidence and self-esteem
  • Creates positive relationships
  • Keeps us focus in our goals
  • Improves mood
  • Motivates
  • Unblocks our full potential
  • Helps with addiction
  • Others

How to Create Positive Affirmations?
  • Identify your negative self-talk and beliefs (fears and doubts)
  • Create positive affirmations to overcome those thoughts and beliefs
  • Use only positive words. Avoid "don't want" or "can't", or other words in the negative form.
  • Use just the present tense. If we refer to the future, we are delaying for indeterminate time. Or may never happen, because we are not specifying when.
  • Be specific and concise
  • Positive affirmations should manifest the change we desire for our life
  • Write it down in paper

Louise Hay Suggestions for Positive Affirmations: 

  • I love and approve of myself 
  • I am worthy of great things in life
  • I am good enough
  • I love myself totally with no expectations
  • I forgive myself for not being perfect
  • I honor who I am
  • I do not have to prove myself to anyone

  • Old and negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.
  • I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.
  • It is now safe for me to release all of my childhood traumas and move into love
  • I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future
  • I have compassion for all
  • every experience I have is perfect for my growth

Success and Prosperity
  • I prosper wherever I turn
  • My income is constantly increasing
  • wherever I work, I am deeply appreciated and well compensated
  • I claim my power and move beyond all limitations
  • I now create a wonderful new job
  • Everything I need comes to me at the perfect time

  • I take care of my body everyday and nourish it with healthy food and exercise
  • My healing is already in process
  • Love flows through my body, healing all disease
  • I am grateful for my healthy body. I love life
  • I love every cell of my body
  • I make healthy choices. I have respect myself

Romantic Love
  • I am worthy loving. There is love all around me
  • I am in a joyful intimate relationship with a person that truly loves me
  • I attract only healthy relationships. I am always treat well
  • I, now, deserve love, romance and joy and all the good life has to offer me
  • I experience love wherever I go
  • I am beautiful and everybody loves me

Other Louise Hay Thoughts

  • It's only a thought and a thought can be changed
  • Every thought we think is creating our future
  • It is true if you believe it to be true
  • Life loves me
  • I have the courage to live my dreams
  • I live in the paradise of my own creation
  • I am on a ever-changing journey
  • Today is the future I created yesterday
  • All that I seek is already within me 
  • What you choose to think is what you will get in life
  • I choose to make the rest of my life, the best of my life
  • I do not fix problems. I fix thinking. Then problems fix themselves.

How to Practice Positive Affirmations?

1 - Repeat your positive affirmations at least 5 times, in the morning and before bed. It can be before getting out of the bed, or during shower or other activity.

2 - Visualize every affirmation, while saying it. 

3 - Deep breathing into the affirmation while saying, helps to internalize.

4 - Always think positive!

We can make our own path!

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