
Artificial Beauty

"Beauty has no obvious use, nor is there any clear cultural necessity for it. Yet civilization could not do without it."
 - Sigmund Freud -

Women, all over the world, submit themselves to painful procedures and practices, to look beautiful, such as:   uncomfortable high heels, waxing, covering the face with layers of 1001 makeup products filled with chemicals, face and lips injections with toxins, hair extension, fake eyelashes, silicone bags inserted inside the body, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, chemical peeling, tattoospiercings and many other bizarre beauty procedures.

But what is Beauty?
Beauty was so many things over the centuries. 
During the European renaissance, fatness, big hips, pale face and light skin was considered beautiful, healthy, fertile, and wealthy. 
Thinness and tanned skin was symbol of poverty, starvation, labor in the fields under the sun.

Today, in most parts of the world, beauty is the opposite. Being slim and having tanned skin is synonymous of beauty and health.
Obese people are, now, considered lazy, gluttonous, unhealthy, sloppy. And pale skin is considered looking sick. 
The concept of beauty is constantly changing.

Why is Beauty so important?
Beauty gives pleasure to the senses. Beauty is attractive to the senses. It's harmonious, stimulating, inviting. It's easy to fall in love with, a fascination.
The opposite of beautiful is ugliness.  
Nobody wants to feel repulsiveness, as no one wants to be repulsive. 
People want to be enjoyable to the view. 
There are many forms of beauty, but the physical, causes an immediate effect.

So, who hasn't blessed by genetics, will do everything possible to fix it. And the beauty industry is more than pleased to help.

In the end, beauty is a pressure to match the beauty standards of each society

Beauty.. The Metamorphosis Process
Along the history women needed to transform themselves, reshape their bodies, color their faces, hair, to accessorize, etc.
In short, to hide the way they look, to match what is beauty in their time. 

All this trouble and pain for what? 

To be attractive for males? to please males? for mating? for procreation purposes?  
Maybe, not conscientiously, cause women today are allowed to study, to work too, to be active in the public life, to travel, to date, etc. 
But, in the end, for whom these women want to look beautiful for? 

Are our independent women still, somehow, submissive to man wills and desires? 
Or are they, perhaps, just taking advantage of the weaknesses of men... that is to resist to beauty?

Otherwise, for whom are women trying to be "beautiful" for? For themselves?

So, why they don't just wear makeup for themselves in home? 

...Why women still want to be "beautiful" objects? 

Why women don't embrace their own beauty?
Their natural beauty...

It seems that women see themselves as ugly worms, that need to go through the beauty procedures, to be transformed in the beautiful butterfly... 

..After all, don't these modern women love themselves? 
So why are they changing the way they look?

We born unique for some reason..
Why are we all trying to look the same?.. by following beauty standards..