
Homeopathic Medicine

What is Homeopathic Medicine? 
Developed by the german physician Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy, is based in the main principle that the body is capable of healing itself. 

The homeopathy medicine uses small amounts of diluted plants and minerals to provoke the same/similar symptoms of the person's illness, to trigger the body natural defenses to treat the real illness. 
It will cure the same symptoms it causes.

The plants and minerals are just used to stimulate the  body's natural healing process.

Is Homeopathic Medicine safe? 
Homeopathic medicine is natural, gentle and its substances are so highly diluted in water, that all the toxins are removed and little of any of the original substance is left. It rarely cause side-effects.  

However, it should be taken under the guidance of a qualified homeopath. As each person is a person and all that is related with a person (medical history, eating habits, sleep patterns, lifestyle, temperament, others) is important to understand the symptoms and the most adequate "medicine" and dosage. So, the treatment is personalized. It is usual to happen, that people with the same condition, receive different "treatments".

What is Homeopathy used for?
It is used for a wide range of health conditions, like:

  • Asthma
  • Fever
  • Depression
  • Ear infection
  • Anxiety
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Flu and cold
  • High blood pressure
  • Boost immune system
  • others

Does it Work?
This alternative medicine is considered by many as a placebo, however the report about alternative and complementary medicines of the Swiss government, declares that the homeopathic treatment is effective, cost-effective and should be included in Switzerland's national health insurance.