
The Bach Flowers

"We can judge our health by our happiness" 
- Edward Bach -

What are the Bach Flowers?
The Bach Flowers are 38 remedies, made by the infusion of wild flowers, from England, into spring water, in order to cure negative emotions, such as: fear, depression, anger, indecision, others.

These herbal remedies were developed by the english doctor Edward Bach, that believed that illness has its origin in negative emotions. 
When an emotional imbalance persists for a long time, the body starts to develop a illness.  Once the emotional equilibrium is restored, the illness will begin to heal. 

What are the Bach Flowers used for the?
There are 38 Bach Flowers remedies. Each treats a different emotional state.

  1. Agrimony - Hiding emotional imbalance behind humour, masking anxiety
  2. Aspen - Fear of unknown things with no explanation
  3. Beech - Intolerance
  4. Centaury - People who find it difficult to say "no"
  5. Cerato - Self-doubt and indecision
  6. Cherry Plum - Fear of losing control 
  7. Chestnut Bud - Inability to learn from mistakes
  8. Chicory - Possessiveness
  9. Clematis - Daydreaming, lack of concentration
  10. Crab Apple - Cleansing, low self-esteem
  11. Elm - Overwhelmed by responsibility, depression
  12. Gentian - Easily discouraged
  13. Gorse - Hopeless, despair, pessimism
  14. Heather - Demand attention, talkative, self-centred
  15. Holly - Feelings and thoughts of hate, envy and jealousy
  16. Honeysuckle - Living in the past, nostalgia
  17. Hornbeam - Procrastination
  18. Impatiens - Impatience
  19. Larch - Lack of confidence, feeling of inferiority
  20. Mimulus - Fears of everyday life things
  21. Mustard - Depression and sadness for no reason
  22. Oak - Overwork
  23. Olive - Mental and physical exhaustion
  24. Pine - Guilt, self-blame
  25. Red Chestnut - Over-concern. Feeling that something bad is going to happen
  26. Rock Rose - Feeling of terror, panic attack
  27. Rock Water - Self-repression, strictness
  28. Scleranthus - Inability to choose between alternatives
  29. Star of Bethlehem - Post traumatic stress, trauma, shock
  30. Sweet Chestnut - Extreme anguish, hopeless despair, intense sorrow
  31. Vervain - People with fixed ideas that feel the need to convince everybody of their ideias  
  32. Vine - People who always think they're right, domineering,  inflexible
  33. Walnut - Unable to break links with the past, easily influenced
  34. Water Violet - Anti-social, isolation, proud, like their own company, reserved, quiet
  35. White Chestnut - Unwanted thoughts, mental arguments
  36. Wild Oat -  Uncertainty of correct path in life
  37. Wild Rose - Apathy, resignation, lost motivation
  38. Willow - Self-pity, resentment, bitterness

How to take the Bach Flowers remedy?
It can be selected up to six different remedies and taken 2 drops per day, directly under the tongue or in a glass of plain water.

Some contain grape based brandy as preservative and others uses glycerin from sunflowers. Both are gluten-free.