
3-Day Water Fasting

What is Water Fasting?
 A water fast is a type of fast where the only thing consumed is pure water, in order to detox the body.

What are the Health Benefits of a Water Fasting?
  • Improves immune system
  • Improves cell recycling
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Improves skin conditions
  • Promotes body detoxification
  • Prevents neurodegenerative diseases
  • Increases lifespan
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces chronic pains
  • Promotes fat loss
  • Slows ageing

How Water Fasting Heals?
The digestive system uses lots of the body's energy for that process, as we are constantly eating 
During a Water Fasting the digestive system is in rest mode, so the body redirects that energy to heal, repair, clean where needs the most.

Who Shouldn't Water Fast?
  • Pregnant woman
  • Nursing mothers
  • Anorexic or bulimic people
  • People with severe anemia
  • Severe underweight people
  • People with insufficient kidney function
  • Diabetics who take insulin
  • People with a heart condition
  • People who suffers from tuberculosis
  • People who take sedatives regularly
  • People who had the thyroid taken
  • Advanced cancer
  • People that want to water fast to lose weight. The lost weight will be recovered as soon as the normal diet is back.

How to Prepare the Body for a Water Fast, Making the Transition easier and Reducing Symptoms?

How much Water should be drunk per day?
Whenever thirsty. Up to 2 or 3 liters. 
The quality of water is important should be distilled water, or filtered water, or mineral water, or spring water, or purified water, or other good water.

How long should last a Water Fast?
There are people that make long water fasts, but without medical supervision, the safer is:
  • 24h
  • 48h
  • 72h

Don'ts while Water Fasting
- Intense exercise
- Sauna
- Wearing cosmetics or any other hygiene product ( the body should just absorb water)
- Smoking
- Telling everyone

What Symptoms did I experienced in my 3 Day Water Fast (72h)?

1st Day 
  • Several visits to the toilet
  • Food cravings
  • Hunger
  • Time goes slower
  • Soft headache
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Bad breath
  • Feeling down
  • Bad memories
During the first day wasn't so bad, but when it started to reach the 24h, became worst: feeling hungry, irritability, trouble sleeping, feeling down. It was hard to not give up and eat.

2nd Day
  • Lower back pain
  • Heart palpitations/agitation
  • Gases
  • Brain fog
  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Not much appetite
  • Felt cold
  • Dizziness when moving fast
  • Yellowish urine
  • Belching
  • Coated tongue
  • Nausea
  • Bad breath
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Pimples in the neck area
I woke up with lower back pain. Fortunately, during the afternoon was gone. 
I drunk around 2,5/3 liters of water, even so, my urine was still yellowish. In normal days, it's clear or light yellow.

3rd Day
  • Some gases
  • Fatigue
  • Restless
  • Bad breath
  • Mind clarity
  • Felt cold
  • Yelowish urine
  • Greyish white coated tongue
  • Severe lower back pain 
  • Belching
  • Dizziness when moving fast
  • Nausea

The lower back pain returned in the end of the afternoon, of the third day. But, this time more severe. I couldn't crouch or seat. The pain gradually decreased as the end of the fasting approached.
Sometimes, when belching, water was coming up into my mouth. I thought I was going to vomit, but no. I didn't drunk too much water, not even a 1,50lt. As the water was tasting weird today, like metallic.

The symptoms are real. Water fast is not easy. 
I prepared my body for the water fast and during the preparation I suffered so many symptoms, that I thought the water fasting was going to be easier. 
I don't want to imagine how much harder it would have been if I hadn't prepare my body first.

How to Break a 3-Day Water Fast?
The body needs time to readjust to food. Break the fast gradually and for better results keep a plant based diet for 3/7 days. The healing continues with the refeeding. 

- Break the fast with a cup of warm water with half the juice of a lemon. Then liquid pureed veggie soup or diluted natural fresh juice of fruits and vegetables, later raw salad or raw fruits and vegetables.  

I broke the fast with warm water with lemon juice and after a while, I had a small portion of a vegetarian miso soup with seaweed and little cubes of tofu (without pasta or rice) and a small portion of a seaweed salad. 
When I finished, I felt stomach pain and nausea. I should have waited a bit before I had more food.