
Feeding the Feelings

We should eat with awareness, to feed our body the necessary nutrients, to boost the immune system, for daily energy, for effective organs function and optimal health.

However, the majority of times, we are eating emotionally. Not thinking what are the best foods for our body and its proper functioning, but to satisfy emotional needs.

What is emotional eating?
Emotional eating is using food to make us feel better.
Strong food cravings, normally, happen when we are feeling bored, stressed, fat, anxious, down, lonely or in a bad mood and we turn to high-caloric sugary or fatty foods, for relieve.

But, after the momentaneous euphory peak, produced by the dopamine in our brain, is gone, we feel even worse. It didn't change our mood and, now, we feel, also, guilty for overeating. 
Emotional eating is unhealthy and when prolonged it may cause health problems.

Emotional eating may cause: 
  • Weight gain
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Low self-esteem (caused by obesity)

How to regain control?
  • Don't keep comfort food in home
  • Avoid to eat while watching tv, computer, phone
  • Eat slower, chew more times the food 
  • Keep a food diary to help to control the calories intake 
  • Keep yourself busy
  • Resist cravings. It will pass.
  • Exercise helps to resist cravings
  • Drink 1.5/ 2 liters of water per day
  • Snack between meals. It will avoid to get hungry and fall in temptation
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Before eating, check the calories. You will be surprised to find out that some foods have almost the calories we should eat for the whole day!
  • Replace your comfort food for healthier ones, as: medjool dates, cherries, grapes, jelly with no added sugar, dark chocolate, lupini beans, homemade popcorn with coconut oil, unsalted nuts and seeds, many others.