
Dry Fasting

What is Dry Fasting?
Dry Fasting is an ancient body cleansing done by the total abstinence of food, water or any liquids, for a certain period of time.

What are the benefits of a Dry Fasting?
  • Eliminates toxins faster
  • Boosts immune system
  • Purifies the blood
  • Cleanses the digestive tract
  • Eliminates damaged cells
  • Regenerates cells
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Fights premature aging
  • Believed to extend life

Who should not Dry Fast?
  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • Babies and small children
  • People with dry eye syndrome, glaucoma or cataracts
  • People with diabetes
  • People that are taking medications
  • People with blood pressure problems

How to do safely Dry Fast?
For beginners it is easier to start with a Raw Food Detox followed by a Water Fasting in order to prepare the body for a Dry Fasting. 

A Dry Fasting is safer by doing it for a maximum period of 16 hours a day - Intermittent Fasting

Fasting for more than 24 hours is not recommended because water is vital for the proper function of the body and organs.  
Water and food are vital for our survival.

Side Effects of Dry Fasting
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Moodiness

How to recover from a 16 hours - Dry Fasting?
  1. Start by drinking slowly a glass or two of water 
  2. Wait 30 minutes
  3. Then have a light meal: fruits, unsalted nuts, dried fruits, yogurt (breakfast food)
  4. Make the next meal normally

Traditional Chinese Medicine

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
It's an ancient chinese practice that believes that everything is energy and illness happens when there is a blockage in the flow of the vital energy (Chi or Qi) along the body meridians (channels) and an imbalance of the Yin and Yang. 

Body, Mind and Spirit should be balanced and in harmony to maintain optimal health. 

How it works?
Every organ corresponds to yin or yang and is located in a meridian area.

Yin organs: liver, heart, spleen, lung, kidneys.

Yang organs: gallbladder, small intestine, stomach, large intestine, bladder.

The organ that needs treatment can be affected by poor diet, little sleep, stress, pollution, emotions, infection, others. To heal it is necessary to restore the balance and flow of the energy by using one or some techniques that works mind and body, according the traditional chinese medicine.

What methods uses the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

  • Herbal medicine: Combination of mostly herbs are ingested as teas, capsules, powders or liquids. Should be organic.

  • Acupressure: Hands or fingers apply pressure in the points of the body that needs treatment.

  • Exercices: Tai Chi and Qigong exercises use techniques that combines moviments, postures breathing, meditation and relaxation to promote the flow of Qi.

  • Nutrition: Using food to nourish the body, balancing the five elements - bitter (fire), salty (water), sour (wood), spice (metal) and sweet (earth).

  • Acupuncture: Sterilized thin metal needles puncture the skin to tap into any the points where the flow of Qi needs to be redirected to restored health.  

  • Cupping: Heated cups that are placed on the skin creating suction to stimulated meridian points. 

  • Others

What are the Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine?
  • Natural health care - no chemicals medication
  • Improves lifestyle by following a nutritious diet and exercising regularly
  • Also works the mind and emotions

Lip Care

The majority of the lip care products we find in the market, contain petroleum jelly which has traces of chemicals. 

There are more natural ways to keep our lips nourished and protected.

These ingredients are safe to use, treats cracked and dry lips, are loaded with antioxidants, keeps moisture and have antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.  Always look for organic products,

Sweet Almond oil

 Coconut oil

 Raw Honey

Olive oil

Shea butter 

Cocoa butter

Lip Scrub
Scrubbing removes dead skin and helps to keep the lips soft and pink.
Mix one of the natural products above with sugar or cinnamon and gently rub into the lips. Wash it off.

Emotional Intelligence

We live in society, surrounded by people, daily interacting with people and creating  social, emotional and professional relationships during our lifetime. 

And, we, all, have different needs, dreams, expectations, different forms of feeling, thinking, reacting and showing our emotions.

That's why emotional intelligence is so important - it helps us to deal better with our emotions, other's emotions and, therefore, to live better in society.

What is Emotional Intelligence?
Is a term created by the researchers Peter Salavoy and John Maye.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand, express and control our emotions as they happen in form of behavior, realising how they affect us and others. 
Especially, when we are under pressure - that is when we need it the most. 

And, when we understand how we and others feel, we can handle our relationships more empathetically, tactfully and fulfilling.

What are the Benefits of developing our Emotional Intelligence?
  • Personal development
  • Ability to listen
  • Knowing ourselves better
  • Knowing our triggers and how to handle them
  • Ability to easily express ourselves and clearly  communicate
  • Working better in team
  • Connecting with our feelings
  • Strengths relationships
  • Helps to adapt to changing circumstances
  • Helps to neutralize conflict
  • Taking responsibility for our emotions
  • Neutralizes toxic people without creating enemies
  • Assertiveness
  • Motivates others
  • Helps to succeed professionally
  • Ability to understand and empathize with others
  • Ability to sense the emotional needs of others
  • Helps to perceive emotions in faces
  • Realizes that initial reactions are driven by emotions 
  • Ability to not get angry and stressed
  • Ability to look at a problem and calmly find a solution

Signs that we lack Emotional Intelligence
  • Feeling stressed and anxious easily
  • Inability to identify how we feel
  • Making irrational choices
  • Acting and reacting impulsively
  • Often feeling misunderstood
  • Getting angry
  • Feeling depressed
  • Losing control
  • Easily offended 
  • Blaming other people for how they make us feel

How to develop our Emotional Intelligence?
Everybody experiences emotions, but not many understand or control them. On the contrary, they are controlled by their emotions. 

But, we can develop skills to understand ourselves and others and use them wisely.

The first step is to perceive emotions
  • Listen to what people tell you. Try not to interrupt.
  • Pay attention to their face expressions and body language.
  • Imagine how you would feel in their situation. "Experiencing" things from someone else's point of view, helps to understand their thoughts and actions.

The second step is to understand your emotions
  • Reflect about how your emotions influence your decisions and behaviors. 
  • What are your triggers?
  • Observe how you interact and react to people.
  • What nonverbal messages are you sending to people?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do you react to stressful situations?
  • Do you blame others or get angry with them, when things  don't go your way?
  • Are you flexible to change in your life?
  • Do you have difficulties in saying "no" to people?
  • Do you seek attention for your accomplishments?

The last step is to learn from your previous reflexion and learn to manage your emotions
  • Try to understand why this person is feeling this way.
  • Realize what you are feeling and how it can affect your thoughts and behaviors.
  • Imagine how your actions will affect others, before taking those actions. Put yourself in their place. 
  • Disagreements are inevitable as we are all different people. However, it can be perceived as an opportunity to get to know the other's perspective and learn from it. It doesn't need to be a battle of egos.
  • Learn techniques to help you to manage stress and negative emotions, like: 
 - Deep breathing
 - Make a pause or go for a walk, to avoid actions that you will regret later. 
 - Humour
 - Yoga
 - Meditation
 - Practice humility

These techniques allows everyone to calm their emotions and think more rationally about it.

We are all different, but there is something we all have in common: we are driven by our emotions, our feelings - what make us happy or unhappy.

Numerology - How can it help us?

What is Numerology?
Numerology is the esoteric science that studies the numbers of our birth date and birth name to help us to understand ourselves better and the others. 

How to discover our Number?
We have a number that is the result of the calculation of our birth date. However, all the numbers of our birth date are important. They also tell something about us, our personality,  our needs, dreams and the way we move in life and make our decisions.

To find the number of our birth date, we need to sum all the numbers of our birth date, for example: 

To make the total sum of the date 21-04-1980 is 2+1+4+1+9+8= 21. 2+1= 7

There are more numbers, like: the birth name number, the expression number, the personality number, the master numbers and others. 

To find the number of our birth name, we need to sum all the numbers of our birth name, according with the number associated with which: 


What the Numbers tell about us?
Here, there is just a brief summary of each number.

Dinanism, Pioneer spirit, Leadership, Innovation

      Sensibility, Union, Diplomacy, Cooperation

     Creativity, Self-Expression, Communication

   Stability, Structure, Discipline, Methodology 

         Change, Adventure, Freedom, Progress

  Nurturer,  Responsability, Generosity, Empathy

Analytic thinking, Introspection, Knowledge, Truth

       Abundance, Power, Material, Ambition

       Altruism, Compassion, Idealism, Intuism

Pictures source: https://pixabay.com/en/photos/

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