
Traditional Chinese Medicine

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
It's an ancient chinese practice that believes that everything is energy and illness happens when there is a blockage in the flow of the vital energy (Chi or Qi) along the body meridians (channels) and an imbalance of the Yin and Yang. 

Body, Mind and Spirit should be balanced and in harmony to maintain optimal health. 

How it works?
Every organ corresponds to yin or yang and is located in a meridian area.

Yin organs: liver, heart, spleen, lung, kidneys.

Yang organs: gallbladder, small intestine, stomach, large intestine, bladder.

The organ that needs treatment can be affected by poor diet, little sleep, stress, pollution, emotions, infection, others. To heal it is necessary to restore the balance and flow of the energy by using one or some techniques that works mind and body, according the traditional chinese medicine.

What methods uses the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?

  • Herbal medicine: Combination of mostly herbs are ingested as teas, capsules, powders or liquids. Should be organic.

  • Acupressure: Hands or fingers apply pressure in the points of the body that needs treatment.

  • Exercices: Tai Chi and Qigong exercises use techniques that combines moviments, postures breathing, meditation and relaxation to promote the flow of Qi.

  • Nutrition: Using food to nourish the body, balancing the five elements - bitter (fire), salty (water), sour (wood), spice (metal) and sweet (earth).

  • Acupuncture: Sterilized thin metal needles puncture the skin to tap into any the points where the flow of Qi needs to be redirected to restored health.  

  • Cupping: Heated cups that are placed on the skin creating suction to stimulated meridian points. 

  • Others

What are the Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine?
  • Natural health care - no chemicals medication
  • Improves lifestyle by following a nutritious diet and exercising regularly
  • Also works the mind and emotions