
Alkaline Food

What is it?
Alkaline foods help to balance the PH of the body, promoting good health.
The PH scale ranges from 0 to 14. 1 being the highest level of acidity and 14 being the highest alkaline. A PH of 7 is neutral. 
The ideal PH for the body is between 7.2 and 7.4. However, the stomach should be around 2 to easily digest the foods and saliva and urine between 5 and 7.

Our body, naturally, regulates the PH thought the kidneys and urine and, also, thought the lungs and breathing. But a high acidic diet, is constantly producing an excess of acids.
If we eat a more alkaline diet and drink plenty of water, we should be making the body's job easier.

Why is an Alkaline Diet Important?
An acidic body is a favorable environment for the  development of bacteria, viruses, fungus, mold, yeast, parasites and other harmful organisms, that lowers the defenses of the body and makes it more vulnerable to illness and diseases.

Which Foods are Alkaline?
High acidic foods are not necessary the ones that have an acidic flavour, like lemon - that is considered one of the most alkaline food. 
A cup of warm water with the fresh squeezed juice of half of a lemon, every morning, 30 minutes before the first meal, is known for helping to alkalize the body.

There are many different lists of alkaline and acidic foods. But, in general, they agree that:

Acidic Foods are
  • Alcoholic drinks, 
  • Processed food, 
  • Meat and animal products,
  • Dairy,
  • Fried foods,
  • Refined sugar foods

Alkaline Foods are:
  • Fruits,
  • Vegetables,
  • Legumes,
  • Nuts
  • Natural Fats

The important is to maintain a balanced, varied and moderate diet.
It is ok to eat and drink acidic foods sometimes, without excesses. But, these shouldn't be the main foods of our daily diet.  

The main problem is the excess.