
Karmic Astrology

What is Karmic Astrology?
The Karmic Astrology believes the place, day and time of our birth is not a coincidence.   
The place, day and time of our birth give us certain positive and negative characteristics (solar sign and ascendant sign) that are the necessary tools to fulfill our karma of past lives and thereby continue our spiritual growth and live happier in the present.

The Karmic Astrology studies the karma that each person carries from past lives and the path for the transformation.

How does it work?
The astrologist makes the Astral Map with place, day and time of your birth, that will determine where were the Lunar North Node and Lunar South Node when you born.

The Lunar North Node tell us where to go- our mission in this life, our purpose and how to achieve it ( what we need to learn, to develop)

The Lunar South Node tell us where we came from - what we did in or past life - what skills we achieved and what mistakes we made that brought us where we are now.

Planet Saturn - The Lord of Karma
Another form of understanding our Karma is finding, in the Astral Map, in which house is Saturn. That will tell us the area of our life that we have to work harder, where is more challenging, where we have to face our fears. 

How Saturn challenges the 12 Houses

House I- The self, sense of individuality
House II - Possessions, money
House III - Communication, relationship with siblings, childhood friends
House IV - Family, past, roots
House V - Pleasure, adventures, children, creativity
House VI - Health, work
House VII - Relationships, love relationships
House VIII - Transformations, Inner changes
House IX - Knowledge, Ideals
House X - Social recognition, merit, professional success
House XI - Friends, social life
House XII - Subconscious, spiritual liberation