
Sugar Detox - More than a detox

Sugar is addictive and empty in nutrients. More than a detox..eliminating refined sugar from our diet is choosing health

What is Sugar Detox?
Sugar Detox is abstening of eating refined sugar for a determined time - minimum 30 days in order to reset our habits and relationship with sugar.

How to Sugar Detox?
Replacing refined sugar and processed foods containing  refined sugar for fresh fruits, unsweetened dried fruits, honey and other foods that contain natural sugar.

Also being careful with foods with hidden sugar, like: beer, sauces, salad dressings and many others. 

What are the Benefits of a Sugar Detox?
  • Helps emotional eating
  • Quick weight loss
  • Reduces risk of diabetes
  • Skin improvement
  • Palate recovery
  • Many others

Healthier alternatives for sugar 
  • Medjool dates
  • Fruits
  • Raw Cacao
  • Raw Honey
  • Coconut sugar
  • Maple syrup
  • Xylitol 
  • Molasses