
Silence Therapy

Why is silence important?
We are awake by noise - alarm clock. We have breakfast with noise-  the sound of the tv. We move to work with the noise of traffic. During our workday we are surrounded by noise.  Our mobile phone is always making noises to attract our attention.
We make noise to be heard - we need to be heard to validate our feelings.
Noise became our normality.

Silence is important to learn to:
  • Control impulsivity,
  • Avoid unnecessary conflict and gossip
  • Manage anger
  • Realizing that something that we thought it was important to say, wasn't after a few minutes of refraining of transmitting it
  • Hearing others carefully
  • Learning from others
  • Getting to know others better
  • Feeling calmer
  • Feeling peaceful

How to make silence?
  • No Talking
  • No Texting
  • No Social Media
  • No Emails

When to make silence?
  • Listen more. Hear what others want to tell you
  • When you feel angry or agitated, hold and don't speak.
  • Go for a silence retreat, 
  • Make silence during your vacations 
  • During days off 
  • Before and after work
  • Make 1 hour a day of total silence 

Tools that help to make silence